Tot School - Week 5 - Theme: Nature and Green
What a fun week! We started our color themes this week with GREEN (as well as nature, springtime and flowers) and the boys really seemed to have a good time. I started off by finding all the green toys in our house and also making a 'drop box' using green Popsicle sticks, pompoms and buttons. They loved putting each little item in the juice bottle opening and then dumping them all back out. We tried transferring the items into the bottle with the green shovel too, though they needed a lot of help keeping it steady. We looked through our color books (Shiny, Touchy, Smelly Colors and My First Colors Board Book) and the boys got really good at pointing out each item that I would ask them to identify. We built green block towers too. 

Owen & Eli: 19 months old

For art projects this week, the boys used crayons and do-a-dot markers to color in the green frog from Making Learning Fun's Brown Bear theme. We finger painted using pistachio pudding (it's naturally green!) though the boys quickly realized that it was more fun to eat it than play in it. By the time I use real paint they are going to think that everything they paint with is edible! We used acrylic paint to make thumbprint flowers and talked about nature, flowers growing and colors.
My favorite activity this week was planting wildflowers with the boys. I found soil pellets, butterfly garden flower seeds and silver pots all in the Dollar Bin at Target! When you add water to the soil it grows right before your eyes. The boys thought it was so cool! We transferred seeds using spoons and then covered the seeds with our shovels. When the pots were finished, the boys played in the extra dirt and were in heaven. Boys and dirt are a match made in heaven! [As a side note, you're probably thinking I'm crazy for having them play with dirt in the house, but the laminate was super easy to clean and the were surprisingly good at listening when I told them to sit on the floor with their shovels. Plus... we're just renting ; ) ]
Thanks for stopping by and checking out our GREEN and NATURE activities this week. Next week we're focusing on BLUE and SEA ANIMALS - leave a comment if you have any ideas for us!
To see what other Tot Schoolers are doing this week, check out 1+1+1=1
What a fun week! All of those green toys in the top picture remind me of spring! I need to plant some flowers with my son this week!
great color activities....noah learned all of his colors doing one-per-week like that. love the fingerprint flower picture too:)
noah's water table came from toys r us...i think its by step2, so it should be available from other places too!
Love your blog. I was wondering if you think the effort you put into this is worth it. I have a 20 mo son, and I am thinking about doing themes and following tot school - but i wonder if he is still too young. any thoughts you have would be greatly appreciated!!
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