Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Workout Wednesday

How did you the past two weeks? Sorry I didn't post a new exercise last week, I was at the beach. Try setting a goal for this week - even if it's just 3 of the 7 days. Get up and do it! For this week, there are three no-props-needed exercises. Though they don't take very long, they are working and they will make a difference! The focus this week is going to be yoga and strength. Don't scoff, just try it : ) First, the order of operations, then the explanations and pictures, just in case!

  • The Plank for 6 counts

  • Crisscrosses for 8 reps on each side

  • The Swim for 10 reps on each side

  • Crisscrosses for 8 reps on each side

  • The Plank for 6 counts

If you need to rest your abs or back at any point during these, feel free. And make sure to drink water when you're finished - they are harder than they sound! By the end of the week, if you've done these consistently, feel free to increase the reps/counts.

EXPLANATIONS #1 - THE PLANK: This one is going to work your abs, lower back, shoulders and glutes. The key is to make sure your body is held in a straight line - don't stick your butt up in the air. You'll know you have the right position when you feel the tightening in your back. Keep your abs engaged (try to pull your belly button towards your spine) and hold for six counts (1-1000, 2-1000...). Eventually we'll work all the way up to counts of 30! #2 - CRISSCROSSES This one will work your abs, obliques (side muscles) and quads (front of thighs). The goal of this one is not to touch your elbow to your knee, the goal is to engage your abs. Focus on bringing your shoulder blades off the ground, but keep your elbows fanned out (like the picture). Hover your left foot above the ground (by about 3 inches) while you bring your right knee towards your chest. Your left elbow/shoulder blade should start pulling in towards your right knee. Hold for two counts. Twist to the other side and hold for two more counts. Aim for 8 reps. (Sorry if that was confusing, it's hard to describe! Just use the picture for clarification!) #3 - THE SWIM This one will work your core, lower back, shoulders, glutes and quads. Lie face down on the floor and extend your arms overhead. Lift your head, hands and feet off the ground, keeping your arms and legs straight. Pulse your arms and legs in a swimming motion, holding each pulse for one count. Aim for 10 reps on each side. These exercises were originally shown in the July 2009 issue of Parenting magazine.