Tot School - Mm is for Monkeys (and other Mm words)
Owen and Eli: 41 months old
The title of this post should have been 'Tot School: Foiled.' First of all, my husband and I went on a Baby Moon to Colorado for half of this week and my mother-in-law stayed with the boys. That's not the problem, obviously, but they ALL got sick while we were gone. Breathing treatment, up-all-night, go-through-a-box-of-tissues-a-day sick. Try getting school done under those circumstances! So this post is going to be full of what we got done and what we would have gotten done if the week would have gone better. Hope you can use some of these ideas even though we couldn't : )
We used the handwriting pages and letter hunt pages for the letter M from Confessions of a Homeschooler and Money Saving Mom. We didn't get to the color-by-number page (here) or the popsicle stick puppet page (here). We did have a chance to paint paper plate monkeys before I left and the boys got sick, and I came up with a monkey cracker snack that they loved. Peanut butter, bananas, crackers, chocolate chips and cheerios... what's not to love!
We didn't get to any of these activities except the book, but the plan was to give directions to complete the boy (draw two eyes, draw a smile, color his shirt blue, etc) like we did with the ladybug activity last week. I also had a Moods sticker page from our Alex 1-2-3 School box that I thought we could use to talk about emotions.
Making muffins is an obvious extension of 'If you Give a Moose a Muffin', but there was also a really cute moose handprint craft (below) that we didn't get around to.
Scavenger hunt for M items:

Some good, some bad, but we're moving on to the letter N. My goal is to finish the alphabet before the new baby comes and I have a tendency to go into labor unexpectedly. No time to waste! To see what other Tot Schoolers did this week, click here.
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