These cupcakes from look so fun and fantastic that I might just have to try them out this year for Father's Day (nevermind the fact that we haven't grilled
anything since we started moving all around the country two years ago!) That doesn't change the fact that Charlie grills a mean steak and I love a good lookin' cupcake ; )

To make a batch of 12, place liners in a muffin pan, oil them, and fill them 2/3 full of your favorite brownie batter, then bake according to the recipe directions. Let the brownies cool. In a small bowl, mix 1-2 drops of black food coloring with 1/4 cup white frosting. Transfer the frosting to a ziploc bag and snip a small section from the corner. Pipe grate lines onto each brownie and let them set for 20 minutes. Add embers with a sprinkle of orange sugar. Prepare the grill food like this:
KEBABS: A caramel cream and red, yellow and green candy fruit slices, cut into small pieces + toothpicks for skewers
PORK CHOP: 2/3 of a caramel cream, molded with fingers + black food coloring applied with a toothpick [note: I think most grocery stores also carry chocolate creams, which would make a very cute steak]
HOT DOGS: hot tamales candies + black food coloring applied with a toothpick
I have a few ideas up my sleeve for Father's Day this year, but I don't want to show my hand yet for fear that Charlie will read this ahead of time.
What are you doing for the dad in your life this year?
oh my goodness those are the cutest cupcakes i've ever seen!!
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