Are you stuck inside on a cold or rainy day? Do you have sick kids who can't attend playgroups or go to the nursery, keeping you at home and confined? Are your kids tired of their toys and acting out because they are bored? Try this!
Set up stations around the room with different sets of toys. I used three different puzzles, a shape sorter, stacking cups and pull-back cars. Depending on the ages/stages of your kids, you can make things more challenging by mixing all the puzzle pieces together instead of sorting them by puzzle, spreading out the stations or maybe even using blindfolds.
- Build a block tower X blocks high (varied based on the age of the child)
- Say all the sounds of the Little People farm animals as you hold each one up
- Do a somersault or jumping jacks
- Say the alphabet or count to 20
- Roll a ball towards anything resembling bowling pins (toilet paper/paper towel cores)
- Make a snake out of play-doh
The possibilities are endless... and you can bet that they won't be bored with their toys for much longer!
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