Tot School - Bb is for Bears and Bees
Owen & Eli: 36 months

The Letter B
I'm going to use the animal letters from for all of the capital letters in the alphabet. I also love the alphabet tracing pages from Money Saving Mom that include the capital and lowercase letters and super cute graphics that go with the letters. As you can see, as of Week 2, they aren't that great at coloring with a purpose or tracing! : )
I picked a ton of great books from the library this week to go with our Bear and Bee theme, and I think many of them will need to become permanents is our home library. The Bear Snores On series (Bears New Friend, Bear Wants More...) is awesome and we read them probably 20 times each. We read Bears, Bears, Bears! and ate bear pancakes and made grizzly bears and panda bears. That was probably their favorite day!
BEES (& other misc B words!)
Our other B word books from the library are shown in the first picture. We used several of the activities from the Bees unit on 2 Teaching Mommies this week too. The dot pages and tracing pages were nice, but a little too quick of an activity for the boys. They got some practice with upper and lowercase letters on the Beehive spelling page (even though I had to get creative since there were so many Es!) They were pretty good with the matching, but I wonder if it's because their odds were pretty good at getting it right with six Es!
We read Jamberry and had a berry snack... including feeding it to each other : )
I used this template (I think from Confessions of a Homeschooler?) to practice counting and 1:1 correspondance. They turned over a number (we just used 1-5 this time) and then matched the card to the right row, then chose the Ball stickers to stick in each box. When all five were filled, we matched the right equipment for each ball too. Stickers are always a hit over here!
Cc is next week - come on back to see what we're up to!
Love your bear book selection and that pancake, Cute!! Same with the foot print bees.
this is adorable! your site is such an inspiration to me! God bless your family!
Those bear pancakes are too cute!
Hi Beth!
Wanted to let you know that we featured your adorable footprint bees at our blog, Bulletin Board Ideas! October is Bullying Prevention Month and, to go along with our "BEE A Buddy, Not A Bully" theme, we showcased some fun bee crafts that teachers can do with their kiddos, yours included.
You can find the full feature here:
We were sure to give idea/photo credit, as well as a link to your lovely blog, but we'd love for you to check it out!
Happy learning!
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