Thursday, May 20, 2010

How Do You Tuck in a Superhero?

Charlie bought me a book for Mother's Day/our anniversary written by a mom of five boys. The book is divided into chapters (Proper Care and Feeding, You Know You're with Boys When..., Family Togetherness, etc) and each chapter is full of short stories related to each topic. They range from hilarious to heartwarming, but regardless, I'm realizing that each story is a glimpse into my future as a mom of three boys of my own.

From the vast quantities of groceries downed every week to the 'house rules' she never thought she'd actually have to say out loud ("We use doors to enter the house, not air-conditioner vents or second story windows"; "We never close our brother into a large appliance, no matter how much he begs you to do it"), from the camaraderie of brotherhood to the challenges of grooming, trimming and styling boys, I'm both excited and slightly terrified of the years ahead of us.

I LOVE what she says about motherhood:

The journey of motherhood centers on being the person God has chosen out of all humanity and space and time to care for these souls, these beings who will exist for all eternity. The thought of that incredible task, that humbling honor, is more than enough to direct my focus back to an overwhelming gratitude for the gift of my children, my incredible sons, in my life.

I read that page last night after a difficult few days when I was thinking of my boys as a challenge instead of a blessing. What an awesome reminder of the task that God has laid in front of me: to raise these boys, these blessings, remembering that He has chosen ME out of all the women in the world, to be the one that they call Mom. What an honor.

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