Saturday, April 7, 2012

Tot School - Uu

Tot School - Letter U is for Up!
Owen and Eli: 43 months old
For the letter U, we read all sorts of books about balloons and hot air balloons. I had taken several others out of the library too, but quickly learned my lesson to 'not judge a book by its cover' when The Purple Balloon's first page read 'Dying isn't easy.' Yikes! I'm not sure my three year olds are ready for the harsh reality of life and death! Needless to say, that one went back to the library pretty quickly!

I thought it would be fun to make our own hot air balloons, so I picked up a couple balloons from the floral department and we created them using yarn, tape and baskets made of construction paper. They really floated!
Our paper plate craft was sponge painting hot air balloons. They chose their colors and the layout, sponged it all on, glued it in place and drew the strings to connect the balloons to the baskets.
Owen has been really into color by number lately. He worked on the second picture for almost an hour! This was the point in the week when I realized just how different my twins are... Owen focused and followed the directions, Eli 'made a giant squid to eat all the U's' and then put socks on his hands and feet to 'scuba dive' on the carpet. Crazy kids!
Even though Eli hasn't been into coloring, he's been really into writing and spelling lately. He wants to write his name and Owen's name everywhere, and this week he wanted to write 'Jesus'. You can see it on the bottom of his page (completely backwards)!
 Click here to see what others were up to this week in Tot School!


  1. Popping over from tot school. I really like your hot air balloons. Lovely to read about the boys individual learning styles :)

  2. We are getting ready for U week too. Your ideas are so helpful (I have really struggled to think of ideas!) Thanks for sharing!
