Friday, February 17, 2012

Tot School - Nn

Tot School - Letter Nn is for Nest and Numbers
Owen and Eli: 41 months old

We were short on 'feeling good' days this week so we went at a slower pace and I'm still happy with what we accomplished. Our big focus was on numbers and our craft was a paper plate nest with baby birds in it. I found the boys searching through our alphabet magnets finding all the numbers and putting them in order!

The number sheets (from here) were a much bigger hit than I had expected. I let the boys choose the page that they wanted to write and the marker color to use, then we filled in the dots on each pages with sweet tart hearts - my secret weapon! I couldn't believe we got through all ten pages with no tears and full attention the whole time. Score!

Using up all the pages in our Numbers sticker book (from Walmart for $1!)...

Handwriting practice from here...

Stringing Noodles to make Necklaces - food for fine motor skills and fashion : )

Painting baby birds to add to our paper plate nests. We added googly eyes and beaks, then fit them in the pocket of the nest. I got the original idea from here. We read The Best Nest and Are You My Mother? to go along with the nest theme.

We're moving on to Letter O next week. They have been really interested in the Ocean lately, so I'm planning some really fun activities for them. Have any other O ideas to share?

To see what others did this week in Tot School, click here.

1 comment:

  1. Love your ideas! Came across your blog through a fine motor pin on pinterest! Glad I've found you! :)

    If you have a moment, check out my blog! I teach pre-school! :)

    Creating & Teaching
