Friday, December 16, 2011

Countdown to Christmas: Days 16-25

This week's focus is on the Nativity and the main characters in the story of Christ's birth. I found a great document with little summaries of each character that we use as a jumping off point, and I spent the last few naptimes creating a paper Nativity scene (similar to one that I found online that I can't find again to link back to!) that I'm going to frame when it's all put together. I LOVE how it turned out!

Day 16: Building our Nativity: Mary is visited by the Angel
The angel Gabriel visited Mary to tell her that she would be the mommy to Jesus, the Son of God. Mary loved God very much and was the perfect person to be Jesus' mommy.

Day 17: Take the boys shopping to pick out Christmas presents for each other and wrap them.

Day 18: Make Christmas cookies!

Day 19: Mary, Joseph and the Donkey are on their way to Bethlehem
The donkey carries Mary the long distance to Bethlehem where Jesus will be born.

Day 20: The Star, the Wise Men and the Camel
The star leads the way to the birth site of Jesus. The wise men knew that the star meant that someone very important was born, so they followed it to Jesus to bring him gifts and to meet the Son of God.

Day 21: The Angel, the Shepherds and the Sheep
The angel visits the shepherds to tell them where they could find Jesus, the Son of God, now that he was born. He was born in a stable and slept in a manger because there were so many people in the city of Bethlehem and there was no room at the inn. 

Day 22: Baby Jesus is born!! Jesus, the Stable and Manger, and all characters
Sing Silent Night, O Little Town of Bethlehem and O Come O Come Emmanuel and talk about why it's so exciting that Jesus came to Earth as a little baby.

Day 23: Make chocolate covered pretzels

Day 24: Pick up our family from the airport!! 
Play with cousins, show them our tree and go to Christmas Eve service

Sing Happy Birthday to Jesus and have a scavenger hunt to find the baby Jesus' from our Nativity sets. Have a special Christmas breakfast and open Christmas presents.

I love this Christmas countdown! It is so much fun teaching the boys more about Jesus and incorporating Him into our daily conversations. I saw Owen today, holding an angel, and saying "Mary, you are going to have a baby on Christmas. And Baby Jesus is God's only Son." Precious!

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