Sunday, September 18, 2011

Tot School - Aa

Tot School - Aa is for Apples, Acorns and Astronauts!
Owen & Eli: 36 months

We took a long break from Tot School for the summer to make room for travelling and visitors, but now we're back and better than ever! I thought a lot about how I wanted to teach the boys now that they are three, and what I thought would be important to incorporate, and I'm happy with how much we were able to accomplish this week. Last year the focus was mostly on letter identification, crafts and cooking (when applicable), but this year there will be a much stronger focus on letter sounds, math, science and reading.

We started the week at the library, getting books about our theme words and going to story time - the theme at story time was Apples (how appropriate!). Here are the books we read all week, but the biggest hits were I Saw an Ant on the Railroad Track and Zoom Zoom Zoom I'm Off to the Moon.

The Letter A
We started off by reviewing capital A and lowercase a and the sounds they both make. We said lots of words with the long A and short A sounds and created As out of crayons and playdoh just to get the shape down. has a different animal printable for every letter of the alphabet.

We did some simple and really fun apple activities this week. I drew a simple tree for the boys to color and then decorate with apple stickers. We talked about when apples grow and what you can make with apples. We also talked about the colors of different apples and how the different colors taste different (sweet vs. sour). To follow that up, we had an apple taste test! I found the apple core activity on Pinterest (my new addiction!) and the seeds are the boys' fingerprints. Mama Jenn's blog had an apple chart printable that I created a dice game to go along with. When a color apple was rolled, a penny was placed over that color apple on the chart. They loved it!

We read a lot of books about astronauts this week and what they do while in space. They learned about rocket ships and that astronauts float in space. We made an adorable astronaut out of paper plates and rocket ships using their footprints that were decorated with alien stickers. Super fun!

Science this week was in the form of acorns. We learned about how they grow on trees and start off green, but when they are fully grown or on the ground they turn brown. We also talked about how squirrels eat acorns and looked at them through magnifying glasses. The acorn activity is a slight variation of this one, using do-a-dots instead of just torn paper.

Next week is Bb for Bears, Boats and Bees. Join us! To see what other Tot Schoolers did this week, click here!


  1. Beth- This is SO great. I'm totally jealous or your creative juices, initiative, and hard work that you put into this! Go you!!!

  2. I love the acorn project. It is perfect for my son and something he can do independently. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Amazing! And it looks like your kids loved it as well. The astronaut craft is a new one I haven't seen before, thanks for sharing!

  4. Welcome back to Tot School! We took a break too this summer and are just getting back in the swing of things. You boys are super cute and it looks like you all had a super fun week!
