Monday, May 16, 2011

I Can't Be Good at Everything

Note: That is to be read 'I CAN'T be good at everything' ... NOT 'I can't be good at everything.' There is no sarcasm in this statement. There is no pride. There is no comparison. This is my new mantra. I CAN'T be good at everything.

Heaven knows I try though.

I want to be the best mom and wife I can be. I want to save loads of money by using coupons and a meal plan when I grocery shop. I want to have healthy (not packaged) snacks for my kids. I want to blog daily. I want to teach my kids things that I'm not even sure they're ready for. I want to decorate my home with skill and creativity. I want to get a good night of sleep. I want to keep the house clean. I want to read books that aren't made of cardboard. I want to be better at not caving in at 5pm and going out to dinner instead of planning ahead and actually cooking something. I want to keep up with all my friends. I want to be patient all day long. I want to be more willing to 'pretend play' with the boys. I want to teach them (age appropriate) scripture memory verses. I want to exercise (and shower, for that matter!) everyday. I want to stop wasting time watching mindless tv. I want to have loads of blog followers who leave comments all the time about my ideas.

The list could, literally, go on forever. To do most of those things well requires sacrificing several other equally worthy goals because there isn't enough time in the day for all of them. If I know that, then why is it so hard to accept? Because I want to have it all together. I want to be strong. I want to be supermom, with my three kids under three and a well oiled machine of a family life.

The problem with supermom is that she doesn't leave room for God to work through weaknesses.

'"My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.' (2 Corinthians 12:9)

Since I CAN'T be good at everything... maybe now is a good time to stop trying.


  1. Love this post. Thanks for sharing!

  2. You are so right! Thanks for the reminder.

  3. LOVE that verse. So important to us mothers who are trying to be supermom:)

  4. Boy you are right on! Lately my motto has been, "Something's got to give." What will it be? Usually it's taking care of myself, but even then my floors are still dirty! God knows. He knows where we are in this very moment. He has a special place in His heart for us Mommies! I've had to constantly refocus and let things go. Let Him weed out my wants and needs. His ways are best anyways! Big hugs!

  5. Well, we can't be all of the those things,but just so you know, do the best of anyone I know at attempting all of them! You are an amazing woman!

  6. I couldn't have said it better if I tried...
