Friday, April 8, 2011

Tot School - Kk

Tot School - Theme - Kk Owen & Eli: 31 months old
This week we learned Kk is for Kites and Kings. We started the week with this worksheet from Beginning Learning and I couldn't believe how well they did with it! Not only did they find all the K's, they dotted them perfectly with no help at all. I'm sure that 2 1/2 year olds should probably be able to do this, but I've never tested them and they did great! Using some contact paper, torn up tissue paper and popsicle sticks, we made a suncatcher kite... We had friends over for a Kings (and Queens) tea party and decorated kite shaped sugar cookies with frosting and sprinkles - yum! - and decorated paper crowns to wear for our party. After they made the crowns, they wanted to wear them for the rest of the day! We rolled out playdoh into snakes and shaped the letter K (a favorite from last week)... The last thing we did this week was sponge painting to make a kite collage with the letter Kk. I cut a kitchen sponge into kite shapes and they dipped them in paint to press onto the paper. Once it dried, I added the 'strings and cross bars' to the kites. After I cut the sponges into kite shapes, I realized that the leftover corners made kites too when they were rearranged. I quickly drew a 'puzzle' on a piece of cardboard and they figured out how to assemble the kites based on sizes, shapes and colors. Not too shabby for a freebie! We have family visiting next week (yay!) but we're going to press on with the letter Ll. Any good ideas for activities? I'm linking to Tot School at 1+1+1=1


  1. I really like your kite suncatcher! I'll have to remember that for our letter K week.

    Following you now too :)

  2. Hi, jumped over from 1+1+1=1.

    I am new to Tot School and my tot is 16 months old next week- I used to be a preschool teacher and wow, if I had some of your ideas!!

    My tot is obviously too small for a lot of this stuff at the moment but will keep it in mind for the future- just went back to read when you started Tot School (Shapes right? Circles then squares) and will definitely be back to re-read through some of your archives.

    Loved the sponge painting!
