Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tot School - Easter!

Owen & Eli: 31 months old

I love Easter! I wanted to make sure that many of our activities this week focused on the Resurrection component of Easter and not just the candy/bunny portion of Easter.We started the week (Palm Sunday) by making palms and reading the Triumphant Entry story in the Bible and continued throughout the week by adding more and more of the Bible stories from Holy Week until today, when we told them about Jesus' resurrection from the dead.

Throughout the week we made stained glass crosses using tissue paper and contact paper, colored our Christ is Risen do-a-dots (Confessions of a Homeschooler), made bunny ears to wear and Easter lambs by painting their hands black and decorating them with cotton balls, googly eyes and ribbon, and made homemade peanut butter eggs.We took a field trip to a local feed store to hold and pet the baby bunnies, chicks and ducks - a HUGE hit! They've been talking about the baby animals ever since : )After breakfast on Easter we painted wooden eggs (my plan is to have the boys all paint an egg every year to add to the collection and to put their initials and the year on the bottom, told them the burial story, had an egg hunt and opened Easter baskets. After everyone was up from their nap we made Resurrections Rolls and finished up Easter week with the great news of the Resurrected Christ. He is Risen!What a fantastic week! We have visitors all of next week, so I'm planning on getting back to the Letter Mm in two weeks. Can't wait to see what others did this week on 1+1+1=1


  1. Ooo, baby ducks!! So cute!

    We make the resurrection rolls every year too. This is the first year my tot had any type of understanding. Her reaction surprised me, although it shouldn't have. LOL She was sooo made that marshmallow Jesus was not in her roll that she refused to eat them. No pics til next week though because I wrote my post before Easter.

  2. Love the picture with daddy and ducky:)

  3. I am so jealous, I want to hold a baby duck!!!!
